
Page in progress

Monday 28/05

Level 1

Level 1: Introduction to Digital Humanities - Elena Pierazzo

What are the Digital Humanities? Why is it important to know them? What are their purposes? This introductory course will give a theoretical frame to the week of courses.

Course in French.

Level 1: XML – Elina Leblanc

The aim of this course is to get the basics of the XML language, which is essential to work with TEI and HTML. This course will provide a set of exercises to practice the XML syntax, but also to discover and understand the software Oxygen XML Editor.

Course in French.

Level 1: TEI Basis – Elina Leblanc

Discovery of TEI and its basics through the encoding of several prose texts. This course follows directly the XML course and will provide a concrete application of its rules.

Course in French.

Level 1: TEI Modelisation – Elena Pierazzo and Marta Materni

Modelisation is an activity which helps to establish in a formal and manageable way, with a software, a problematic linked to a research project. The course will help the participants to select the most suitable TEI markups for their own research project through the Roma software.

Course in French.

Level 2

Level 2: Web Design, Advanced CSS, and JavaScript  Bea Caballero 

Prerequisites: Basis of HMTL and CSS.

(to come)

Course in English.

Tuesday 29/05

Level 1

Level 1 : HTML et CSS – Laura Antonietti  

The objective of this course is to give to the students the theoretical and practical basics of the HTML and CSS languages: after a short theoretical introduction, different exercises will help the participants to learn how to create simple Web pages (structure and style).

Course in French.

Level 1 : Introduction to Image Processing – Peter Stokes

This course will provide an introduction to digital images and image processing for people working with books and manuscripts. When working with books, manuscripts and documents today, it is almost inevitable that digital images will be involved: whether for private analysis, to prepare a transcription, or for publication as part of a digital edition or other purpose. In order to get the most out of these images, it is important to understand what they are and how they relate to the original object. In this course, then, we will discuss topics such as spatial and colour resolution; colour calibration; RGB colour; evaluating quality of digital images; and some basic techniques for image enhancement and analysis.

Course in French.

Level 2

Level 2:  Introduction to XSLT – Elena Pierazzo and Elisa Nury

Prerequisites: basic knowledge of XML, TEI, and HTML

XSLT is one of the most used language for the conversion of XML files into HTML Web pages. The course will be composed of an introduction to the transformation models (templates); the basics of xPath; the functions and operations with numbers and strings; the conditional programming; the for-each loops.

Course in French.


Wednesday 30/05

Level 1

Level 1 : TEI Transcription and edition – Emmanuelle Morlock and Elisa Nury

The course aims to provide a strong introduction to the transcription of primary resources (manuscripts, printed books, other documents) in TEI. From the transcription level, we will shift to the edition level with the markups for the normalization and editorial regularization and the markups for the creation of critical apparatus.

Course in French.

Level 2

Level 2:  Advanced XSLT – Elena Pierazzo and Maud Ingarao

Pre-requis: course Introduction to XSLT (on Tuesday, EDEEN 2017, or other)

The courses wil build on the competences acquired the day before and will include: indexing, variables, corpus processing, and string processing.
Course in French.

Thursday 31/05

Level 1

Level 1: Digital Paleography and Codicology Peter Stokes

(to come)

Level 1 : GIS (Geographic Information Systems) – Andreas Nijenhuis-Bescher and Julien Caranton

From the data to the map - GIS for research

The course "from archives to map" aims to show the path from research to its representation. Cartography can translate in a spatial representation data collected in archives, in databases or in literature.

This course reproduce the differents phases from scientific research to the elaboration of a map, through a Geographic Information System (GIS).

Based on a concrete example, the course shows the phases of the elaboration of a database and its representation.

Course in French.

Level 2

Level 2 : Digital Edition with TEI  Elena Pierazzo

Prerequisites: Basis of XML-TEI ; Transcription in TEI

The course presents the critical aparatus and its visualisation tools. Some time will also be dedicated to genetic editions and their visualisation.

Course in French.

Level 2 : Automatic Image Processing with Python – Peter Stokes

Prerequisites: Understanding of the Basic Principles of Image Processing, acquired for example in the course of Tuesday; Note that no programming experience is requested

The course will give an introduction to automatic image processing with Python. Based on open softwares, it will introduce to the techniques of automatic processing of manuscripts images. We will experiment using techniques such as automatic recognition of lines and layout, image enhancement and batch image processing, according to the preferences of the participants. The focus of the course will be practical rather than theoretical, but will also discuss the latest research findings in computer vision.
Course in French.

Friday 01/06

Level 1

Level 1: Relational Databases Anne Garcia-Fernandez and Elisabeth Greslou

After defining what relational databases are, the course will provide an introduction to database usage and design. We will rely on simple examples (data creation, search among data...) and use open and/or free software. An introduction to the SQL language will also be proposed.

Course in French.

Level 2

Level 2: XQuery -- Tiziana Mancinelli

Prerequisite: XML, HTML/CSS; Basis of XPath advised

What do I do after encoding in text TEI? The course will provide essential skills to move on to the next phase: managing metadata and archiving, querying and publishing data. The workshop will be divided into two parts. In the first part, we will introduce the eXistDB software, one of the most well-known XML databases, and offer an introduction to XPath. The second part will be dedicated to the XQuery language and an introduction to eXistDB-based projects.

Course in English.


Online user: 1