2017 Edition > Speakers

Confirmed speakers are:

  • Laura Antonietti: With a first degree in literature (Università degli Studi di Milano), Laura Antonietti got a Master degree in Digital Humanities (Università degli Studi di Siena). Since october 2016, she has been a PhD student in Italian Literature, at the Grenoble-Alpes University and the Università degli Studi di Milano. Her thesis, "Pavese et Vittorini chez Enaudi: une idée de la littérature pour l'après-guerre", aims to study and compare the editorial activity of the two writers Cesare Pavese and Elio Vittorini when they collaborated for Enaudi (1945-1950), through the elaboration of a digital edition of the reading reports that the two authors wrote to defend or refuse the publication of narrative works. Her  researches focus on modern and contemporary Italian literature, history of edition and digital humanities (especially text encoding and digital scholarly edition).
  • Laurent Besacier get a degree of engineer in electronic and information processing in 1995 (CPE Lyon), then a PhD in computer sciences (Avignon University, 1998) for his researches in the field of speaker recognition (voice biometric). After a postdoc in a signal processing laboratory (EPFL, Neuchâtel, Switzerland), he took an interest in speech recognition, which became his main field of research after 1999 (year of his recruitment as lecturer in computer sciences at the Grenoble 1 University). Laurent Besacier is behind the field of under-resourced languages recognition, which is now strongly visible in natural language and speech processing (Laurent has a chair in the biannual SLTU - Spoken Language Technologies for Under-resourced languages – and is member of LRL – Less-Resourced Languages – comity of the ELRA). After a sabbatical year at the IBM Watson research centre (USA, 2005-2006), another part of his research has focused on machine translation. These thematic evolutions (translation, under-resourced languages) have brought him closer to the Humanities (linguists, phoneticians, translators). L. Besacier has been professor at the Grenoble Alpes University since September 2009, and junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) since October 2012.
  • Hervé Blanchon has been lecturer at the Grenoble Alpes University since 1995. He obtained his PhD in 1994 on Automated Translation Based on Dialogue which uses interactive disambiguation. He dealt with this original approach in depth during his postdoc at the ATR-ITL (Kyoto) in 1994-1995. Then, he suggested, with Christian Boitet, the concept of “Document Auto-Explicatif” (DAE). He published more than 100 articles of conferences and reviews, and supervised (or co-supervised) 14 thesis and 17 internships of master degree. He was the scientific director of the GETALP team from its creation in 2007 to 2012, and he led its first evaluation by the AERES. His main field of research are Machine Translation “with human in the loop”, and its evaluation in different contexts: collaborative post-editing, interactive Multilingual Access Gateways (iMAG), in-context software localisation, statistical machine translation and TAFD, lexical disambiguation.
  • Julien Caranton is a PhD students in Comtemporary History at the Laboratoire de Recherche Historique en Rhône-Alpes (LARHRA, UMR 5190). His PhD focusses on the froms of social regulation in the 19th and early 20th century. He is alos a trainer for the QGIS software at the l’École doctorale SHPT (ED 454).
  • Fabio Ciotti is tenured Assistant Professor at the University of Roma Tor Vergata, where he teaches Digital Literary Studies and Theory of Literature. He is President of the Associazione per l'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale (AIUCD, the Italian Digital Humanities Association), member of the EADH (European Association of Digital Humanities) Executive Board and of the ADHO Steering Committee. He has served in the TEI Consortium Technical Council. He is also co-head of the European ERIC DARIAH-EU VCC-4, and member of DARIAH-IT.
    His scientific and research work covers various aspects and themes of Digital Humanities and Literary Studies, both from the theoretical and the practical point of view: the applications of computational methods to the analysis of narrative texts; digital text encoding and representation; applications of XML and TEI technologies to literary computing; modeling and creation of digital libraries; applications of new media and computer mediated communication to Humanities research and teaching. Recently his research interests concern the application of Semantic Web/Linked data principles and technologies to humanities digital libraries and textual corpora. He is interested in particular in ontologies for the analysis of literary texts and for the semantics of markup languages.
    Fabio Ciotti has been organizer or member of the program committees of various national and international conferences, and has been involved in several digital humanities projects.
  • Elina Leblanc : After studying literature and history (especially medieval and modern) in Poitiers and Tours, she got a master degree in written heritage and digital edition in the Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance (CESR, Tours). Since October 2015, she has been a PhD student in digital humanities and has worked on the subject “Enriched Digital Libraries: the users and their interfaces. The case of Fonte Gaia Bib”, supervised by Elena Pierazzo (LUHCIE) and Hervé Blanchon (GETALP/LIG).
  • Eleonora Litta: Eleonora Litta has a Master degree in Medieval Studies (University College London) and a PhD in Classics and Latin Philology (King's College London). Her researches focus on historical linguistic, classics and German philology, with a special attention to the development of digital tools for humanities studies, text analysis, corpora linguistic and computational linguistic. She has been working for seven years at the Centre for Computing in the Humanities of the King's College in London (next Department of Digital Humanities), before getting a Marie Sklodowska-Curie bursary to develop a new digital resource for latin, supervised by Marco Passarotti, in the CIRCSE, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano.
  • Francesco Mambrini: Francesco Mambrini is currently working as Research Assistant at the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (Berlin) and the Humboldt Chair for Digital Humanities at the University of Leipzig. He obtained his PhD in Classical Philology at the University of Trento (Italy) and EHESS (Paris). He has cooperated with a number of leading projects in computational linguistics for the ancient languages, including the Ancient Greek and Latin Dependency Treebank and the Index Thomisticus Treebank. He is one of the founders of the bi-annual conference "Corpus-based Research in the Humanities”.
  • Tiziana MancinelliI am currently working at the CCeH (Cologne Center of eHumanities) doing technical coordination, programming, server administration, and data curation for the Magica Levantina project and at the University of Venice creating a digital scholarly edition of a medieval manuscript of Francesco da Barberino's Documenti d'Amore. Since, my first degree in Italian Studies at University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, where I was very inspiring by pioneers of the Digital Humanities, I collaborated on some of the very first digital humanities projects. I hold a PhD in Italian Literature and Digital Humanities from the University of Reading (UK), where I completed a dissertation on a scholarly digital edition of a prose-poem entitled ‘La camera da letto’, by Italian writer Attilio Bertolucci.
  • Emmanuelle Morlock: Engineer in Digital Humanities at the CNRS since 2008, Emmanuelle Morlock is in charge of the support of critical edition projects of ancient resources, using TEI or EpiDoc and developed at the laboratory "Histoire et Sources des Mondes Antiques" (HiSoMA). Member of the international work group that maintains and enriches the EpiDoc schema, she co-organised the 2015 TEI conference in Lyon. She is also a member of the coordination committee of the French association for the Digital Humanities, Humanistica.
  • Andreas Nijenhuis-Bescher: Born in Northen Holland, Andreas Nijenhuis-Bescher studied both in the Netherlands (RuG Groningen, VU Amsterdam), in France (Grenoble II, EHESS), and in Italy (IUE). Defended at the VU Amsterdam, his thesis (Les ‘Voyages de Hollande’ et la perception française des Provinces-Unies dans la première moitié du XVIIe siècle) approaches the themes of conflicts and confessional cohabitations, urban space, trade, and the representation of alterity, through the French perception. His researches focus on several aspects of the history of the United Provinces and their representations in France, and vice-versa (« Andreas Nijenhuis-Bescher, « De terra incognita au centre de l’Europe. L’« invention » du Nord et la découverte des Provinces-Unies au début du XVIIe siècle », in : Deshima, revue d’histoire globale des pays du Nord, Strasbourg, University of Strasbourg, n° 10/2016). He is in charge of the Netherlands’ Studies at the Grenoble-Alps University, and is a member of the Institut de l’Histoire de la Pensée Classique (IHPC - UMR 5037). As a post-doc at the CRULH (EA 3945), he is also in charge of the edition of an historical atlas for the international ANR project LOCOCAT.
  • Marco Passarotti: Is researcher at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, where he is in charge of computational linguistic. Student of the pioneer of the discipline, the father Roberto Busa, his main research is in the elaboration of linguistic resources and tools for Latin Natural Language Processing. Since 2006, he has launched and directed the Index Thomisticus Treebank project, at the research centre CIRCSE that he contributed to found in 2009 at the Università Cattolica. Today, he is the coordinator of a FIR-2013 project and the supervisor of a Marie Sklodowska-Curie bursary; he is also co-chair of the “Corpus-based Research in the Humanities” (CRH) workshop. He is the author of a monography and about seventy articles, published in scientific journals and international proceedings.
  • Elena Pierazzo: Is professor of Italian and Digital Humanities at the Grenoble-Alps University since 2014. She got her PhD at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, then she worked several years at the King’s College London. Her researches are in Renaissance Italian Literature, digital scholarly edition and genetic editing. Since 2002, she has been engaged in the development of the encoding standard TEI (Text Encoding Initiative), an international consortium that she led from 2011 to 2015. Her latest publication is the monography Digital Scholarly Editing : Theories, Models and Methods (Ashgate, 2015).
  • Gilles Sérasset is lecturer since 1995 at the Grenoble Alpes University (LIG – GETALP). His main field of research focuses on the organisation and construction of multilingual digital glossaries on and about computer sciences. Hi woks also on other subjects like multilingual communication (within the UNL project), information retrieval and classfication of multimedia docuements as well as lexical disambiguation in a multilingual context.
  • Peter Stokes: is Reader in Digital Humanities at King’s College London. With first degrees in medieval studies and computer engineering, his principal research is in medieval palaeography and particularly digital methods in palaeography; he has also published on name-studies, lexicography, Anglo-Saxon charters, image-processing, and digital humanities. He lectures in digital humanities at King's College London, and has also lectured in palaeography and codicology, digital publishing, medieval history, and medieval Latin at the Universities of Cambridge, Leicester and the School of Advanced Studies in the University of London.
  • Valeria Vitale: is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Classical Studies (University of London), where she works on the Pelagios Commons project. After her degree in Communication Science awarded by La Sapienza University in Rome, she worked for several years on digital strategies for the study and promotion of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, with major Italian cultural institutions. In 2012 she graduated with an MA in Digital Humanities at King’s College London, where she also completed her PhD on the use of Linked Open Data to document 3D visualisations of ancient cultural heritage. She has extensive experience in teaching 3D tools and methods to humanists and showing how spatial technologies can enhance the study and understanding of the Past. Valeria has also collaborated with various digital projects that focus on ancient geography, including the Heritage Gazetteer of Cyprus, i.Sicily, the Pleiades Gazetteer and the Heritage Gazetteer of Libya. She co-directed the CALCS (Cross-cultural AfterLife of Classical Sites) project in 2016.
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